12 Sugaring Hair Removal Tips for Sensitive Skin

12 Sugaring Hair Removal Tips for Sensitive Skin

What do you think of when you think sensitive skin? You tend to think of redness, irritation, pain and even bruising.

I’m Amanda, I have been training my fellow estheticians on sugaring for years. The one question that I receive often is “I have sensitive skin, should I try sugaring?”. While all hair removal techniques may cause some irritation, sugaring is generally the best option for people with sensitive skin.

12 Sugaring Hair Removal Tips for Sensitive Skin

#1: The Cooler The Better

Sugar paste is highly affected by humidity and heat. Making the paste too soft.  It’s critical to start with a cool room, 70F or lower. Use fans if your working space is warmer that 70 Degrees and/or your skin heats up quickly.

  • If your body is warm or the room is warm above 70 Degrees, it can greatly affect the texture of the paste.
  • Use fans if your working space is warmer that 70 Degrees and/or your skin heats up quickly.


#2: Smaller Strips

If you are new to sugaring keep the hair removal area small, until you get the hang of using the flicker card or your hand. Smaller strips keep things more manageable and easier on the skin.

  • Make sure to always flick parallel and keep the skin taut by holding behind the sugar line.


 #3 Practice With a Flicker Card

Managing sugar paste takes time to master. So, don’t be too hard on yourself if it takes you more than a couple of tries to get it down. Learning how to manage the paste starts by using small strips, keeping the temperature of your room cool to cold, using the right flicking motion and even the right amount of powder are all components for success. Please view the videos on my Home Page.

  • Using a Flexible Card is the simplest way to master self-sugaring. The inside of your arm is a great place to practice on. Also, flick parallel and try not to lift up.


 #4: Hydration & Exfoliation

You want naturally hydrated skin as dehydrated skin cells tighten and shrink around the hair follicle. Hair simply release easier from healthy exfoliated and hydrated skin.

  • Regularly exfoliate your skin. Just no exfoliation 24 hours prior sugaring.
  • Make sure your well hydrated before you start.


#5 Hair Density

What is the most amazing thing about Sugaring? It’s that with regular sugaring you will start to notice less hair and it actually weakens the follicles roots. For those with sensitive skin will generally notice less irritation as their hair follicles roots weaken.

  • I recommend Sugaring every 3 weeks.


#6: No Showering

Avoid showering right before sugaring. Showering increases your body temperature that in-turn increases the temperature of the sugar paste. If you are too warm the paste will melt faster and be difficult to manage.

A Great Option For Those With Sensitive Skin

#7: Starting Again

Sugar paste is water soluble so just wipe off with a wet towel and start again.

  • Clean the area off with a wet towel and then thoroughly dry.


#8: Moon Cycle

For some this is a time where hormones greatly affect our senses. Usually there is a window of 2-4 days before your cycle starts that highly increases your sensitivity. Usually the starts to decrease at the start of your period.


#9: Hold Your Skin Taut

Holding the skin taut is incredibly important when doing sugaring. Not only does this help the removal process go better, but it ultimately is going to prevent any unwanted discomfort and or bruising. Holding the skin behind the line above the sugar paste while you flick the paste off helps significantly. Any kind of slack in your skin will keep that sugar paste adhered to your skin along with your hair.

  • Hold above the line of sugar when you are flicking the paste off.
  • The best trick is to be able to extend your limbs to help keep your skin taut on its own in some instances.
  • It’s crucial to keep skin taut in sensitive areas like the bikini area, inner legs and or underarms. Again it all depends on the elasticity of your skin to begin with.
  • If your skin is loose it is paramount to hold tight while flicking.


#10: Drying Powder

It’s used to prep the skin, whisk away moisture, and also help firm up the paste. Without it, sugaring would be very challenging. So now, you have to know when to use it and how much to use. The indicators of when to use it, is usually when you start to sweat (this helps absorb moisture). And how much to use, is based on how much you are sweating (use a small amount consistently).

  • Powder is one of the most needed tools when doing sugaring.  Add powder as needed, especially if your sweating.


#11: Avoid Caffeine

Drinking caffeinated beverages 4 hours before doing sugaring can increase your sensitivity.


#12: Post Skin Care

The process of sugaring is an amazing way to natural exfoliation your skin. However, this leads many new skin cells exposed. These new skin cells need to stay clean and breath.

Don’ts: The First 48 Hour After Sugaring

  • No Exfoliating (also 24 hours before sugaring)
  • Sorry no sex
  • Try not to touch yourself
  • Try to limit sweating, so you can blame me for missing your workout 😉
  • Every that touches you should be clean and loose.


Do’s: 48 Hours After Sugaring

Keeping your skin moisturized with a high-quality moisturizer suited

You should not Sugar if you’re using retinol or vitamin C on your skin; you’re taking steroids; you’re using Accutane. Also, if you have bruising, swelling, rashes, open sores, a sunburn, or cold sores. These are the key factors to consider. But always, consult your dermatologist before trying a new treatment.